Report your child’s absence on the School Stream app or email before 9am.
Assessment is on-going and regular, with Parent/Teacher interviews planned at various stages of the year. Formal written reports will be issued at the end of each Semester and will provide a summary of the progress of the student. Informal reporting will occur throughout the year through comments and suggestions on assignments, projects or homework. Parents are encouraged to communicate with class teachers if there are concerns or problems.
Portable CD Players, Ipods, Mobile Phones, Cameras, Music or PDA devices
The permitted use of devices varies according to the students age. Refer to the Parent Handbook for more information.
Unacceptable Use
It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use mobile phones to menace, harass or offend another person. Students who use phones to engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person using SMS messages, taking or sending photos or objectionable images or bullying other students, or who use vulgar, derogatory or obscene language while using a mobile phone will have their phones confiscated by the classroom teacher or Principal. Students should note that, in extreme cases, the school may consider it appropriate to involve the police.
Regular communication between the College and home is of great importance. The College will communicate with families via the closed School Stream app, email, SMS, and the College website. Carmichael College also operates a Carmichael College Secondhand Uniforms Facebook page; a closed group for families with children enrolled at Carmichael College to buy and sell uniforms.
There are specific rules around the use of the Facebook page and the School Stream app.
> Approval for membership is only given by Carmichael College Admin.
> Only parents/care providers directly listed on a current student’s enrolment form will be given membership approval.
> Membership will not be approved for extended family members.
> Parents and care providers of students enrolled to commence Prep the following year, will be eligible for access to the app from Term 3. This will allow them to be advised of upcoming transition and information events.
> Families leaving Carmichael College will be able to remain as members of the Facebook page for one month after leaving, in order to sell secondhand uniforms. After this time, membership will be automatically removed.
> The parents and care providers of any student who no longer attends Carmichael College will have their access to the School Stream app revoked.
Please ensure prior appointments are made to see class teachers or the Principal. The use of email for communication is encouraged.
- The College will encourage students to respect the behaviour code.
- Students who disrupt classes, breach school rules and/or display disrespectful behaviour will be dealt with according to the behaviour management policy.
- Students will be transitioned through progressive levels of consequences if wrong behaviours continue, which may include time out, in-school detention, suspension, or in the case of incidents involving serious breaches of behaviour may require immediate removal of students by parents or guardians.
- Any process involving suspension or exclusion will involve interaction with parents.
- The Principal is the final arbiter on matters of behaviour management.
Carmichael College is committed to the provision of educationally valid excursions as part of the school curriculum. Excursions will be prepared, managed, supervised and monitored in a way that seeks to ensure the health, safety and security of the participating students and staff, as well as others who may be affected by the conduct of an excursion. More information about excursions and transport permission slips are provided via the School Stream app.
Prep: Sight words and home reading
Years 1-4: Up to an hour per week
Years 5-6: Up to 2 hours per week
All Primary children are expected to learn memory verses, review tables and spelling and read aloud to parents. Homework should not be an imposition, and if you have concerns, please contact your teacher.
In the School Stream app you can report your child’s late arrival or submit an early departure request.
When property goes astray, or something is found that belongs to someone else, please check the lost property box outside Room C2.
Our strong sense of community unites us, and helps us all to feel part of something important. Download the Parent Code of Conduct.
A staff member works the crossing after school from 3:00pm to 3:20pm. All students and parents crossing are asked to use the crossing at these times.
Motorists parking or setting down or picking up passengers PLEASE be mindful of children crossing.
The use of mobile phones within our carpark and drop and go sections should adhere to all the applicable QLD Government road safety laws.
Students must not make any comment on social networking sites (whether the profile or user-generated content is identifiably theirs or belonging to someone else) or any other digital media including email that targets any Carmichael College student or staff person with perceived negative intent, or undermines the name and/or good work of the school.
Current social networking sites and digital media forms would include, but not be limited to:-
Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, email, Bebo, MSN, text messaging, all mobile content – all texting and mobile transmission of photos, as well as mobile platforms of social networking sites.
If students are sick it is advisable to keep them at home. Parents will be contacted by the school to collect students who exhibit signs of illness during the day.
First Aid
First Aid may be provided at school. In the cases of serious injury or illness parents will be requested to take students to a doctor or to hospital by ambulance if necessary. Where there is an emergency, the school will arrange for an ambulance to attend the scene, and if necessary the ambulance will take the student to hospital.
Infectious Diseases
Please be considerate of your child’s friends and teachers. These illnesses spread quickly and easily through whole classes and families. Parents should ensure their children are appropriately vaccinated. This table should be read in conjunction with the ‘time out’ poster published by Qld Health.
Illness and Exclusion Periods
Measles: Exclude for four days after the onset of the rash
German Measles (Rubella): Exclude until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash
Chicken Pox: Exclude until all blisters have dried. This is usually at least five days after the rash first appeared in nonimmunised children, and less in immunised children.
Mumps: At least 9 days after onset of swelling
Diarrhoea: Exclude at least 24 hours without symptoms
Vomiting: Exclude at least 24 hours without symptoms
Glandular Fever: Exclusion not necessary
School Sores (Impetigo): Exclude case until has received appropriate antibiotics for at least 24 hours. Sores are not contagious if covered, or after the child has taken antibiotics for 24 hours. Weeping or crusted sores on exposed areas should always be covered with a watertight dressing until at least 24 hours post antibiotics commenced and for as long as practical.
Whooping Cough (pertussis): Exclude until five days after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment, or for 21 days from onset of coughing.
Where possible, events are organised outside peak UV radiation periods. Swimming carnivals are held either in the evening or in covered venues. Sun protection issues are included in the health curricula.
Supervision of students at school includes before school, recess and lunch breaks, and after school. However, parents are reminded that staff members are not rostered for duty until 8:00am each morning. Parents are discouraged from sending their children to school before this time. Parents are requested to ensure that their children have been collected or have left the school grounds by 3:20pm. This is a workplace health and safety requirement. Parents wishing their children to be at school outside the hours of teacher supervision provided may avail themselves of the fee-for-service arrangement of after- or before-school care provided by OSHC staff (Outside School Hours Care).